The NYDS Week

Find out about NYDS venues, accommodation, transport, meals, as well as what a typical NYDS day looks like. And have a careful read about our rules / code of conduct.


NYDS is held at Havelock North High School, 153 Te Mata Road, Havelock North, and Toitoi – Hawke’s Bay Arts and Events Centre, Hastings CBD.

The NYDS hostel is at Hereworth School, 118 Te Mata Rd, Havelock North.

Please note: all communication should be directed to  or 021 241 6848 – NOT to the venue.

Opening Day


All students must register on Saturday between 10am and 3pm at the NYDS office, Havelock North High School. If you’re a local student, please arrive before 2pm, as the last hour is reserved for airport and long-distance arrivals.

From the school car park, make your way towards the auditorium. The NYDS office is between the gym and the auditorium.

We will be registering 200 students with several large groups arriving from the airport at the same time. Please be patient and identify yourself by name at the registration table. We’ll note that you have arrived and provide you with a student wristband.

If you’ve ordered merchandise you can collect it here. And there will be safe storage for your luggage, if you need it.

If you’re unsure about anything, we’re here to help.


Once you have registered, we encourage you to spend time at the school, meeting other students and finding your way around. Hostel students and their bags will be taken to the hostel. Billeted students will store their luggage securely in the NYDS office until the end of the day. 


The pōwhiri and Opening Ceremony begin at 3:45pm. It’s an opportunity for us to welcome you and provide important information about the week. 

After the Opening Ceremony, there will be a short administrative session, followed by a “meet-your-tutor” session held in your classroom for the week. You’ll have the opportunity to meet your classmates here.

The day will wrap up by 5:45pm. 

    • If you’re staying in the hostel, you’ll walk there with all the other hostel students for your evening meal.
    • If you are using the NYDS daily shuttle (reserved for billeted students and host students), you will be introduced to your shuttle driver for the week after the ceremony. Please remain seated and we will call your name out.
    • All other students will be free to go.

Rest of the Week

9am: School begins each morning with a meeting and warm-up. Don’t be late! You will be divided into two warm-up groups – alternating Vocal (in the auditorium) and Physical (in the gym).

Classes follow at 9.30am.
If you are in a Full Day Workshop, you will spend the entire week in this class.
If you are in a Home Group, you will spend the week in this class, except for Monday and Wednesday afternoons when you will attend a Taster Class.
Find out what classes we’re offering this year here.

12.30-1.30pm: Lunch break

Each day we have a kōrero / whole of school meeting at 1.30pm.

4:30pm: Short check-in and warm-down (whole school together).

5-7pm: 2-hour dinner break

Evenings: You will also attend evening programming. This programming is part of the full NYDS experience and all students are required to attend. The cost of evening events is included in your course fee. Please note the first Saturday and Thursday evenings are nights off for all students.

Final Sunday morning: Billet and Hostel students must bring their luggage with them to school as you will be not be returning to your accommodation following the Closing Ceremony.

‘Sharing of Work’ Presentations

Whānau, friends and the public are welcome to join us at these presentations, taking place on

  • Festival Day (including an evening session) on final Saturday, Opera House, Toitoi Arts and Events Centre. The timetable will be finalised during the NYDS week.
  • Screen and Voice classes Sharing of Work on final Sunday morning, Opera House, Toitoi Arts and Events Centre, 10am

Each class presents their ‘Sharing of Work’ on one day only. 

Please note these ‘Sharings’ are not intended to be polished performances, rather they are an opportunity for others to get a glimpse of what students have been working on during the week.

What to Bring

We encourage you to pack lightly – include comfortable shoes and clothes that you can move freely in, toiletries and towel, and any medication you may need. If your tutor would like you to bring anything else, NYDS will email you during the last week of Term One. 

Please bring a water bottle, notebook and pen to school each day.

If you are staying in Billet or Hostel accommodation, please check the Accommodation section for additional items you need to bring.


We maintain a register of suitable local host families. Hosts either have students attending NYDS, or are long-term supporters of the school (in which case we place at least two visiting students together). All host families are police vetted.

Billet families are asked to provide daily breakfast as well as dinner on the first Saturday and Thursday evenings. On the other days students are at NYDS in the evenings and will have their dinner break in Havelock North (see Pocket Money and Meals). Your host family may be able to offer additional evening meals if they are located in Havelock North, but this is not expected. Your host family may also be willing to provide a packed lunch but again, this is not expected.

If you are a billet or host student, you will receive details of your host or billet at least one week prior to NYDS. You should make contact with each other as soon as you have received this information. Discuss the arrangements around meals and whether there is anything you need to bring with you – e.g: bedding or special foods. If your host is attending NYDS, you should arrange to meet up at Registration. If your host is not attending NYDS, you will be taken to their home on the NYDS shuttle after the Opening Ceremony. 

The NYDS hostel is located at Hereworth School (a local boarding school at 118 Te Mata Rd, Havelock North), and can accommodate a maximum of 80 students. Hereworth is approximately a half-block walk from HNHS. The hostel fee includes breakfast and dinner (except for the final Saturday as students will be in Hastings that evening), but lunch is NOT provided. Lunch can be purchased at the high school canteen.

Please register at the NYDS office (Havelock North High School) before checking in at the hostel on Saturday. The hostel will be open from 12 noon.

A map of Hereworth School can be found here – make your way to the Boarding Entrance.

The hostel is supervised by our veteran Hostel Managers (both teachers), who will be available to assist you and answer any questions you have when you arrive.

Please note:

    • You need to bring a bottom sheet, pillow and sleeping bag or duvet with you.
    • The hostel is separated by gender, but is otherwise open dormitory style.
    • Lunch is not provided.
    • A laundry service will be offered once during the week.

Hostel rules:

  1. All NYDS venues are smoke- and vape-free zones, this includes the Hereworth school grounds.
  2. No alcohol, cigarettes, or illegal substances are permitted. This includes during meal breaks and applies to all students, regardless of age.
  3. Meal times will be posted, you are required to fill in the sign-out book if you are unable to be there on time.
  4. Students will have access to the Dormitories, Ablutions and Dining Room. ALL other areas of Hereworth School are out of bounds.
  5. The Dormitory will be locked during the school day to protect your property. A duty supervisor will be available for emergency access only.
  6. A curfew will be set to accommodate NYDS evening functions. All students are required to be back at the hostel in time for the curfew.
  7. No student will be allowed to stay elsewhere overnight unless prior arrangement has been made by parents.
  8. Respect other students and their property.
  9. Respect the authority of the Supervisors.

These rules are set for your protection. Students failing to meet the required standard of behaviour will be sent home at the expense of their parents.



On Arrival Day (first Saturday) and Departure Day (last Sunday), we run a free shuttle at regular intervals to

  • Hawke’s Bay Airport
  • Hastings Bus Depot, opposite Subway at 117 Russell Street (please DO NOT book bus fares to the Napier Bus Depot).

The shuttle will often be waiting when you arrive, but depending on earlier arrivals, it’s possible you might wait for 30-45 minutes.  If this is the case, you will likely have a blast in the company of other excited NYDS students!

Please try to arrive by 2.30pm on Saturday and depart after 2pm on Sunday.  If this isn’t possible, we should still be able to collect and/or drop you off, but you may miss the Opening Ceremony and/or the Closing Ceremony along with goodbyes to your NYDS whānau on Sunday.


We run a daily bus service to and from HNHS for out-of-town students being billeted in

    • Napier
    • Taradale
    • Hastings

Note that we are unable to service nearby Havelock North and some rural addresses.

There will be specific drop-off/pick-up points in each location. Priority is given to visiting students and their host students. 

Pocket Money & Meals

You will need some pocket money for the week for meals.


Hostel students: Breakfast and dinner are provided by the hostel and included in the hostel fee (except for the last Saturday night when you will be in Hastings for the NYDS festival day/evening). You will need money for lunches which can be purchased at the school canteen.

Billet students: Depending on your host family (see Accommodation section above), you may need enough pocket money to cover all lunches and six dinners. Breakfast each day and dinner on two evenings you are at home will  be provided.

The school canteen is open for morning tea and lunch and offers a range of options for $5-9.

Havelock North village is a 10-15 minute walk from HNHS and offers several takeaway options for dinner as well as a New World supermarket with deli. If you plan to bring your own meals, we can make the fridge and microwave in the staff kitchen available, but we ask that you confirm this with us by sending a quick e-mail to prior to the NYDS week.

There is an ATM available within a 5-minute walk from HNHS.

Rules / Code of Conduct

  1. All NYDS venues, including the school grounds, are smoke- and vape-free.
  2. No alcohol, cigarettes or illegal substances are permitted. This includes during meal breaks and applies to all students, regardless of age.
  3. Respect all persons and their property.
  4. Respect the right of the tutor to teach and your fellow students to learn.
  5. Arrive on time for all school activities.
  6. Take care of your health and sleep requirements in order to get the most out of NYDS.

NYDS Management reserves the right to dismiss / send home early any student, who:

a) fails to maintain a high standard of conduct, or
b) is unable to participate due to illness or injury.

Please also note that all health and medical information must be have been disclosed on your Application Form. NYDS Management reserves the right to send a student home should any known condition manifest which has not been disclosed.

The cost of any early return journey will be the responsibility of the student/student’s family.